Since the dawn of the digital age, there has been an enormous shift in the way that information is disbursed across the globe. Even what we see in magazines may not be as real as it once was. The data found online, no matter how legitimate it looks, may not be accurate, but based on myths. When it comes to plastic surgery, you want to know the cold hard facts. This is the only way you can determine how to move forward toward your personal goals.
Let’s look at three common myths about breast implants.
It’s all About Size
Size matters, that is true. However, this may not be in the way you think. There was a time when a large percentage of breast implant patients sought bigger, rounder, over-the-top sizes. Today, we are seeing a welcomed shift. This year, in particular, more women are attaining their ideal shape with smaller implants that enhance size and shape to no more than a B or C cup. Rather than believing that bigger is better, or that somehow a bigger implant will last longer, talk with your surgeon about the size of breasts in relation to the rest of your body. This way, you will obtain the naturally beautiful look you want.
Implants will Look Fake
This myth is somewhat related to the over-sized implants that were common just a few years ago. The end result from breast augmentation comes from the type of implant you select, the placement (above or below the muscle), the shape of the implant, and more. Rest assured that your surgeon wants to give you the authentic beauty you desire.
Implants will Lift the Breasts
Breasts that have become deflated and droopy with age, weight loss, or motherhood may be enhanced with implants, this is true. However, implants alone cannot make a breast sit higher on the chest wall. The intent of breast augmentation is to enlarge the size and perfect the shape of breasts. To correct sagging, your surgeon will perform mastopexy, or the breast lift procedure.
Don’t believe the myths. Get the information you need about breast enhancement surgery from your trusted plastic surgeon. Schedule a visit with Dr. Trussler at 512-450-1077.